Do all the exercises below - hand in only the numbered exercises.
1. Section 4.5, exercise 16
2. Section 4.5, exercise 27
3. Section 7.1, exercises 1,2,3
4. Section 7.1,
exercises 5,6.
Submit solutions to
5(a,f), 6(c,f)
Section 7.1, exercise 7
5. Section 7.1, exercise 11.
Also give an example of a ring R that is not an integral domain
for which x2 = 1 does not
imply that x is -1 or +1.
6. Section 7.1, exercises 15,16
Section 7.1, exercise 25
Read Exercises 28-30, Section 7.1 [These exercises describe examples
an element has a right inverse but not a left inverse and of an
which is a left zero divisor but not a right zero divisor --
that one should be careful in noncommutative rings.]
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