Homework Assignment 10

(Problems selected by David Dummit)

Do all the exercises below - hand in only the numbered exercises.

  • 1. Section 4.5, exercise 16

  • 2. Section 4.5, exercise 27

  • 3. Section 7.1, exercises 1,2,3

  • 4. Section 7.1, exercises 5,6. Submit solutions to 5(a,f), 6(c,f)

  • Section 7.1, exercise 7

  • 5. Section 7.1, exercise 11. Also give an example of a ring R that is not an integral domain and for which x2 = 1 does not imply that x is -1 or +1.

  • 6. Section 7.1, exercises 15,16

  • Section 7.1, exercise 25

  • Read Exercises 28-30, Section 7.1 [These exercises describe examples where an element has a right inverse but not a left inverse and of an element which is a left zero divisor but not a right zero divisor -- underscoring that one should be careful in noncommutative rings.]

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