Homework Assignment Guidelines

The following guidelines should be followed when turning in homework assignments to be graded:

  • Homework is due at or before the beginning of class on the assigned due date. Late homework will not be accepted. It is your responsibility to ensure that homework assignments are received.

  • You should take pride in your work. In particular, assignments should be neat and legible. If you use pencil, be sure what you write can be read easily. Use scratch paper for preliminary computations and submit only polished work. Be sure your name is on your submitted work. If you collaborate with someone (or use some other source) on the assignment, you must note that explicitly.

  • Staple your assignment sheets together in the upper left hand corner (this is to ease the grading - I grade each problem for everyone in the class to ensure uniformity before moving to the next problem to grade).

  • Number your submitted exercises as they are numbered on the assignment page (i.e., 1,2,3,...). If you want to record which text exercise the problem is, use something like "3. (Section 1.2, exercise 8)". Again, this is so that I can grade everyone's "problem 3" without having to search each assignment extensively for the correct problem. Please submit only problems identified for submission - although you should, of course, do all the assigned problems, please only turn in the numbered problems identified on the homework assignment (again so that I can quickly find everyone's "problem 3").

  • Indicate your answers clearly and neatly. You need not box in answers (although occasionally this helps), but you do need to make clear what your final answer is when appropriate.

  • Use good mathematical style when writing proofs (more will be said about this in class). In particular, avoid tedious run-on sentences. Concision and elegance count.

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