[ talks ]

Spring 2025, Kolchin Seminar TBD
Spring 2025, University of Illinois Chicago TBD
Spring 2025, George Mason University Colloquium The Arithmetic of Moebius Transformations In Dimensions 4 and Beyond
Spring 2025, Auburn University Colloquium The Arithmetic of Moebius Transformations in Dimension 4 and Beyond
Spring 2024, Wesleyan Algebra and Number Theory Seminar The Arithmetic of Moebius Transformations In Dimensions 4 and Beyond
Spring 2024, Inter-Universal Geometry Conference (IUGC), Tokyo Interpretations and Anabelian Geometry (slides )
Spring 2024, Clemson The Arithmetic of Moebius Transformations In Dimensions 4 and Beyond
Spring 2024, Dartmouth-UVM Math Day, Dartmouth Some of my Favorite Orders in Clifford Algebras
Summer 2023, Young Scholar's Program, UIC An Introduction to the p-Adic Numbers
Spring 2023, Berkeley Model Theory Seminar The Theory of the Integers In CC[t]^alg Interprets ZZ
Fall 2022, Carleton University Algebra and Number Theory Seminar Angle Ranks of Abelian Varieties Over Finite Fields
Fall 2022, TIMC Colloquium Some Computational Facts About Abelian Varieties for Nonspecialists
Summer 2022, Algebra Seminar, Emory Algebraic Relations Between Solutions of Order One Differential Equations on Curves
Summer 2022, Young Scholar’s Program, University of Illinois Chicago What Are the p-Adic Numbers?
Spring 2022,Lunch in The Time of COVID, online Red Card to Green Light: How to be a Responsible Referee. (Panel)
Fall 2021, Geometry Seminar, University of New Mexico Abelian Varieties in the LMFDB
Fall 2021, The 3rd Kyoto-Hefei Workshop on Arithmetic Geometry, Kyoto University Angle Ranks of Abelian Varieties over Finite Fields
Spring 2021, Algebra and Number Theory Seminar, Dartmouth College What is this? Have you seen this thing?
Spring 2020, AMS Special Session on Branching Out: Ramification Invariants in Algebra and Geometry New and Old Results in Wittferential Algebraic Geometry ( slides )
Fall 2020, Stanford Algebraic Geometry Seminar Abelian Varieties over Finite Fields in the LMFDB
Fall 2020, Leiden Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory Seminar The Meaning of Mochizuki’s Inequality
Fall 2020, Africa Math Seminar Sphere Packings in Hyperbolic Space
Spring 2020, University of Ottawa, Number Theory Seminar CANCELLED DUE TO COVID
Spring 2020, Dartmouth College Isogeny Classes of Abelian Varieties in the LMFDB
Fall 2019, University of Arizona How to work with Mochizuki's Inequality
Fall 2019, Arizona State University Isogeny Classes of Abelian Varieties over Finite Fields
Fall 2019, AIM, LMFDB as a Telescope A Guide of Isogeny Classes in the LMFDB
Spring 2019, University of Tennesse Knoxville, Barrett Lectures A User's Guide to Mochizuki's Inequality
Spring 2019, Rice, AGNT Seminar Explicit Computations in IUT
Spring 2019, ICERM, Abelian Varieties Workshop Deligne Modules
Fall 2018, Tufts, Algebra Seminar The Wittfinitesimal Torelli Problem
Fall 2018, unQVNTS (Three Talks) Mochizuki's Inequalities
Spring 2018, UConn, CTNT Summer School Mochizuki's Inequalities
Fall 2017, University of Vermont, unQVNTS
Abelian Varieties over Finite Fields
Fall 2017, Boston College, Number Theory Seminar
Deligne-Illusie Classes as Arithmetic Kodaira-Spencer Classes
Fall 2017, University of Virginia, Number Theory Seminar
The Theory of CC[t]^{alg} Interprets ZZ
Spring 2017, QVNTS
The Wittfinitesimal Torelli Problem
Spring 2017, CUNY, AMS Eastern Sectional Meeting
Deforming Derivatives
Spring 2017, Harvard, Number Theory Seminar
The Theory of CC[t]^{alg} Interprets ZZ
Spring 2017, Purdue, Automorphic Forms Seminar
Indeterminacies in IUT
Spring 2017, University of Rochester, Number Theory Seminar
The Wittfinitesimal Torelli Problem
Fall 2016, DART7
Arithmetic Kodaira-Spencer Classes in the Sense of Buium
Summer 2016, IUT Summit, RIMS Kyoto
Introduction to IUT2. Multiiradiality.
Spring 2016, University of Copenhagen, Number Theory Seminar
Some Constructions Used in Mochizuki's IUT
Spring 2016, Emory University, Nonarchimedean Geometry Learning Seminar, Improptu Talk
Buiumisms (Jackson Morrow's Notes --- this link broke :-( Jackson still has other great notes... there is some stuff in his Gauss-Manin Connection Notes on Buiumisms)
Spring 2016, Emory University, Algebra Seminar
Kolchin Irreducibility
Spring 2016, Kolchin Seminar Workshop
Effective Bounds for Manin-Mumford for Certain Bad Reduction Curves (w/ E. Katz, J. Rabinoff and D. Zureick-Brown)
Spring 2016, Bristol University, Linfoot Seminar
Toward Mazur's Conjecture on Uniform Manin-Mumford (w/ E. Katz, J. Rabinoff and D. Zureick-Brown)
Fall 2015, Maine-Quebec Number Theory Seminar
Examples of Varieties of General Type over Function Fields whose Rational Points Are Not Dense (w/Daniel Litt) (vlog post)
Spring 2015. Ben Gurion University, Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory Seminar
Examples of Lang-Bombieri-Noguchi outside of Mordell-Lang. (w/Daniel Litt)
Spring 2015, Ben Gurion University, Set Theory and Logic Seminar
Strongly Minimal Sets in DCF0 (w/J. Freitag)
Spring 2015, Toulouse University
Examples of Geometric Lang-Bombieri-Noguchi outside Mordell-Lang (w/Daniel Litt)
Spring 2015, JMM Model Theory Special Session
Derived Categories Meets Differential Algebra (w/J. Freitag and A. Royer)
Fall 2014, Hebrew University Model Theory
Wittfinitesimal Torelli and Coleman's Conjecture (3 parts)
Fall 2014, West Coast Number Theory
Lifts of the Frobenius
Fall 2014, Quebec-Maine Number Theory Seminar
Kolchin Irreducibility (w/ J. Freitag and L. E. Miller)
Summer 2014, CNTA
Lifts of the Frobenius
Spring 2014, Kolchin Seminar
Jet Spaces and Diophantine Geometry (youtube)
Spring 2014, AMS Central Sectional, Differential Galois Theory
Arithmetic Picard-Vessiot Theory (w/ A. Buium) (Buium's youtube) (video, 2nd option)
Spring 2014, AMS Western Sectional, Arithmetic and Differential Algebraic Geometry
Kolchin Irreducibility for Arithmetic Jet Spaces (w/ J. Frietag and L. E. Miller)
Spring 2014, Berkeley Model Theory Seminar
Kolchin Irreducibility for p-Jets (w/ J. Freitag and L. E. Miller)
Fall 2013, West Coast Number Theory Seminar
Distribution of Bits of 3^n (keynote) (w/ D. Weirich)
Fall 2013, UCSD Number Theory Seminar
"Linear" Constructions with Nonlinear Fermat Quotient Operators (keynote)
Fall 2013, IRMA Strasbourg
Arithmetic Kodaira-Spencer Classes
Fall 2013, UCLA Number Theory Seminar
Arithmetic Kodaira-Spencer Classes and Absolute Geometry
Spring 2013, UC Berkeley
"Linear" Arithmetic Differential Equations (pdf) (w/ A. Buium)
Spring 2013, AMS Sectional Meeting, Boulder
Arithmetic Picard-Vessiot Theory (w/ A. Buium)
Spring 2013, University of New Mexico Geometry Seminar
Automorphisms of the Affine Line Over Nonreduced Rings (keynote) -- the paper is here
Spring 2013, JMM Witt Vectors Special Session
A Torsor of Lifts of the Frobenius (In characterstic 0) (keynote)
Fall 2012, Texas Tech Geometry Seminar
Introduction to p-Derivations and the Torsor of Lifts of the Frobenius
Fall 2012,  University of New Mexico Geometry Seminar
Deformations of Principal Homogeneous Spaces
Summer 2012, Witt Vectors Conference, Albuquerque New Mexico Arithmetic Deformation Classes Associated to Curves, keynote file (animations)
Spring 2012, University of New Mexico Geometry Seminar Arithmetic Deformation Theory (scanned handwritten notes available by reques
Spring 2012, University of New Mexico Geometry Seminar The Field With One Element (scanned handwritten notes available by request)
Fall 2012, University of New Mexico Geometry Seminar Deninger Cohomology Theories
Fall 2011, University of New Mexico Geometry Seminar Lifts of the Frobenius
Summer 2012, IMUS, Harmonic Analysis, Metic Spaces and PDES p-adic and Dyadic analysis
Spring 2011, University of New Mexico Geometry Seminar Interactions between Group Cohomology and Cech Cohomology (notes available by request)
Fall 2010, Comprehensive Exam Arithmetic Deformation Theory
Fall 2010, Mathematics and Physics Student Seminar Coalgebras
Spring 2010, Mathematics and Physics Student Seminar Computation and Hilbert's 6th Problem
Spring 2009, University of New Mexico Graduate Student Seminar (similar to AMS-MAA Joint Meeting 2009 talk) Generalizing Kuratowski's Theorem to Higher Dimensions
2007, University of Arizona Graduate Student Colloquium Angel-Devil Problem